Devalin Drennon

Senior Pastor

Devalin has been in ministry for more than 15 years. Prior to coming to Southwest Calvary, Devalin’s ministry was focused on Discipleship. He loves to communicate the truth of God's Word and loves the opportunities he has to bring the truth of Scripture into our everyday lives in a way that's motivating, relevant and easy to apply. 

He loves seeing people grow in their love for Christ, His church and His Word as well as seeing the church have a visible impact for the Gospel in the community and the world. He gets excited about seeing people respond to the Gospel and begin their journey as followers of Christ. 

The favorite part of his job, outside of preaching, is having the opportunity to disciple, seeing people transformed by the power of the Gospel and God’s Word. 

Devalin was born in Commerce, TX. He graduated from Baylor University with a B.A. in Speech Communication and has a Th.M. in Pastoral Leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary. Devalin has recently began work on his Doctorate of Ministry from Andersonville Theological Seminary. 

He and his wife Janelle have two children, one daughter and one son.


charlie bubenik

Worship Director


Children's Ministry Coordinator

Frendell Daniels

PreSchool/Nursery Coordinator


Administrative Assistant to Sr. Pastor